(1) | We don’t mind him attending the party. |
(2) | I was ashamed of not knowing the word. |
(3) | We are sure of Michael doing it well. |
(4) | He was ashamed of his father being poor. |
(5) | There is no hope of his recovering soon. |
(6) | He was surprised at the shop being closed. |
(2) | |
(6) |
(1) | We don’t mind that he will attend the party. |
(2) | I was ashamed that I didn’t know the word. |
(3) | We are sure that Michael will do it well. |
(4) | He was ashamed that his father was poor. |
(5) | There is no hope that he will recover soon. |
(6) | He was surprised that the shop was closed. |
(1) | Young people think that driver’s license is the first sign of their becoming adults. |
[ ]内の指示に従って答えなさい。(暗記例文)
(1) | 覆水盆にかえらず。 | [英作] |
(2) | We can’t deny the fact. There is ( )( ) the fact. |
[適語補充] |
(3) | On arriving at Tokyo, he called me up. | [句⇒節へ] |
(4) | I (used/not/to/am/to/spoken) in that impolite way. 「そんな無作法に話しかけられるのに慣れていない」 |
[1語補充の上整序] |
(5) | ここには以前教会があった。 | [英作] |
(6) | Would...? 「窓を開けてもいいですか」 |
[部分英作] |
(7) | She couldn’t attend the meeting because of illness. = Illness... |
[同意文に] |
(8) | The book is worth ( ). 1. reading / 2. to read / 3. to have read |
[適語選択] |
(9) | They never met without quarreling. | [和訳] |
(10) | We can’t help to think so. | [誤文訂正] |